Title: The Christmas Spirit.. by Teodore Hatzikostas (teohatz@hol.gr) Translated to English by Dimitris Panokostas (panokost@waternet.diavlos.gr) Time of writing: From 15:01 until 16:24 (26/12/96) (If you don't like it, you know how much we care...) SCENE 1 "THE OFFICE" ------- (Bill Gates is siting in his office reading his employees' reports).. BG - Bill Gates EM - Employee BG - Fools, Windows97 won't be ready in time! EM - But sir, most programmers have taken their Christmas break. BG - Ohh, I hate Christmas, I hate presents, I hate people. EM - What should I do sir? BG - Recall ALL programmers now! If you don't finish the code, you won't leave this place, hahaha! SCENE 2 "HOME" ------- (Bill Gates has almost fallen asleep in his bed) G - Ghost... (A loud sound awakes Bill Gates) G - I have come, miserable one! BG - What are you? What do you want from me? Do you know who I am? G - Ohh yes. I know, cursed one. You're the guy who tried to sell income/outcome software at Paradise's accounting office. Do you know how much loss we've had? Damn you... BG - It's not MY fault... G - Shut up! Tonight, three ghosts will visit you... They'll show you what an assh*le you are... Go to sleep now, you motherf*cker. (Obviously, this is ONE hell of a ghost!). SCENE 3 "THE GHOST OF CHRISTMASS PAST" ------- (Bill Gates has fallen asleep again, thinking it was only a dream. Suddenly a loud sound wakes him up).. G - 12 o'clock you useless, miserably stupid, cretin nerd. It's time for a ride.. BG - Who are you? And why do you look like a rogue? What do you want from me, a poor and honest housebuil.. erm, programmer? G - Programmer my ass. I'm the ghost of Christmas past... I'll take you to a journey in the past, to see your Christmas, many years ago.. Take my hand now, before I start slapping your ass.. BG - ... SCENE 4 "TO THE SHOPS" ------- (The ghost has transported Bill Gates in a computer shop, at some past Christmas. There's a lot of croud in the shop, with lots of kids buying stuff). S - ShopKeeper FA - Father KI - Kid S - So, what will it be? KI - I want the Amstrad 6128 with a color monitor.. FA - That's too expensive son, why don't you get the Spectrum? KI - Or should we take the Commodore64 which has lots of games? BG - How foolish they were. Today that kid would be given a P150 with Windows and it wouldn't want anything else. G - And you think it would be happy? Fool. Look at how happy it is NOW, with a computer a thousand times smaller then the one you would have given him... BG - I don't build computers, I sell software. G - Have a look at that miserable box over there.. S - Of course, you can also buy this professional PC sir! KI - No dad, I don't want it, it's no good.. G - Oh, how much the kid knows! FA - But it plays games, AND we'll also be able to run professional programs! S - And as Bill Gates said, "256K of Memory SHOULD be enough for everyone". BG - Pfff. G - Have a look at that croud of people over there.. BG - Hmm, they're at a.. a.. ohh on an Amiga.. They were going nuts over that games machine.. G - [Shat] [Shat] (Slapping). You stupid monkey, take a look at that miserable creature back at that box. BG - Hmm, he's programming in fortan using.. ehm, edlin! G - What have you got to say about it? BG - For it's time, it was... G - It was SHIT. As are Windows for their time.. But, it's time for me to leave you back at your house. Miserable. Once he's finnished with Saddam, the second ghost will come over to show you Christmas in the present time.... BG - But I want to see how I was then.. G - Sorry, I'm in a hurry.. All I can say is that you where a slimy little nerd who liked to create amateur programs with the "Professional" tag. Are people so stupid after all? Ewww.. SCENE 5 "CHRISTMAS PRESENT" ------- (We don't want to bore you, so the second ghost came along, but was less talkative that the first and got Bill to a place full of PCs with Windows..) U - Users (ordinary PC users - as they are commonly known) BG - Why did you brought me here for? G - To see the pain you're causing to the users.. Look... BG - Why is he crying? G - .... BG - Hmm, Win95 crashed and he lost his work... Too bad.. G - ... BG - Why is he laughing like a maniac? G - ... BG - Hmm, His hard disk is full.. 2.5GB full.. It's not MY fault, Windo... Why is he hitting the keyboard? U - Fucking asshole Bill Gates, it's been eight hours and still the fuckin'-installation isn't finished.. I'll install linux to relax! U1 - I don't understand why they have so huge demands on memory and CPU? BG - Because it's a very good operating system and of course it's natural that.. U - Because simply Billy-boy has it all his way. He forces the users to buy bigger hard disks, more memory, etc. He's taking all of us for fools! U1 - The worst part is that everyone follows him.. BG - Heh, of course.. G - Fool. You don't understand a thing!. Let's go to a bookshop [shat] BG - Aaa! They're reading my book! U - Bill Gates is such an asshole! BG - I've heard that again today.. U1 - His book is the most lame thing I've ever read in my life! It's even worse than using DOS. U - He's writing as if he invented it all! U1 - Yeah! He invented internet, he gave multitasking for the first time to humanity.. U - Probably it doesn't say that he tortured people for so many years with his fuckin'-DOS! U1 - Why? Do you think that in 2020 he'll write that he tortured people with Windows? U - IF he's alive until then... U1 - Hahahahaha! Check this joke out: We've got Hitler, Saddam and Bill Gates in a room, but a pistol with only two bullets. What do we do? BG - I'm curious. U - What? U1 - We shoot Bill Gates twice! U - Hehehehe! Look at this. He's talking about the future here.. What more damage can this man possibly do in computing? BG - Enough! G - Let's go for a ride at your corporation's labs.. (P1-P2 Micro$oft Programmers). P1 - It's Christmas and I have to work for the Asshole. BG - grrrrr.. P2 - Yeah, the fuckhead wants us to finish that fuckcode* * = These are talented programmers which once had dreams, but ended up working for Bill Gates.. P1 - The Asshole has got on my nervers with that fuckin'compatibility of his. P2 - Even with that fuckin'DOS of his. P1 - And those fuckin'features he ordered.. P2 - But who can offer something better to the world.. P1 - Everyone. Simply, the Asshole has so much publicity that all those useless, moron monkeys who buy a computer, buy his shit. P2 - I'm finished, send it to some beta tester. I'm going home.. How about you? P1 - I'm going out. I'll go send an anonymous mail to Bill to relax.. BG - So THAT's who's been sending me anonymous mails in the last 2 years.. My finest programmer? Oh my God! G - Look at the pain you're causing to the world! Don't you understand? BG - No.. I'm tougher than Scrudge. I'm never going to change my tactics.. Leave me alone.. I want to sleep. G - Then go to sleep and wait for the third ghost.. --- Commercial Break --- SCENE 6 "CHRISTMAS FUTURE" ------- (The third ghost, even less talkative than the rest, awakes Bill in the classic way, and get him over at some computer shops, at some Christmas in the future). BG - If you start showing me scenes from my death, to change my mind, forget it. I won't change a thing.. G - Look.. BG - Where, at the shop? Ha.. We're at the year 2015. Let's see the software that's released at this age... Hmm. G - .... BG - AutoCAD86, WordPerfectXXI, ScalaTL1000, ehm.. strange, I don't see my company's mark anywhere.. Ghost, where are my products? G - ... I'll make you visible to humans for a while. Ask them.. (Bill Gates steps into the shop, and startsa conversation with the shopkeeper). BG - Excuse me, don't you have Windows2015? S - Haaahahahaha, thank you sonny, you made me laugh! BG - Why, what did I say? What Windows have you got? What version? S - Aaaahahahaha, please stop it, ahaha! BG - Talk to me, what happened to Windows? S - But son, where were you all these years? Sometime in 2000 all the companies started fighting back. With the help of thousands of angry users, they started a new revolution.. BG - What do you mean? S - MasterOS v1.0. Then came 1.3 etc, then Corel and all the rest of those programs came out in versions for this OS, and the stocks of MicroSoft, fell to 20% in a year! BG - Then what? S - Then Apple started, along with Atari and Amiga, then came IBM with Motorola and they released brand new operating systems for a new generation of hardware. Microsoft kept losing ground, until in 2008 it crashed under its huge debts. BG - That can't be! S - And all that wouldn't had happen, if Bill Gates accepted the world's negative comments... Pfff.. (Bill Gates, obviously disapointed, comes out of the shop and walks over to the Ghost). BG - Ghost, can I change something in this? G - ... BG - Talk to me, can I? G - Yes, I hope so.. Time to go home... [shat] (The rest, goes like this) : Billy wakes up, makes it before Christmas, cancels the release of Windows97, releases WindowsNT 5, which is a great success, the world becomes a better place, and AmigaTech releases AmigaOS 5, which gets 51% of software sales in the world. Competition is good for everybody, so they lived happily ever after! But what happened to the guest stars? - Bill Gates entered a cryogenetic unit in 2014. He'll wake up after about 100 years to see how's business going. - Intel declared bankrupcy. The cause was the advertising tag "Intel Inside" as well as the problems i786 had in calculations. Opel sued Intel for 100 bilion dollars, because the new Astras had square wheels. - Alain Sugar (irrelevant, I know), kept up living from the tolerance of other companies. After the Soviet Union ended, he fulfilled his dream of selling nuclear weapons in half the price. - Ali, x-executive of Commodore, was badly lynched from Olympiakos fans because he was black and they thought he was a PAOK fan. His death however came from PAOK fans, who thought he was an Olympiakos fan (as he was red because of the blood), and after they beat him up, they sent him to the AEK fans, with a tag saying "Baka's friend". - Motorola lived good, but DEC even better. Their latest product, the gate of undefinance (Aot gate), where no matter what you put through the input, the output was always undefined, went very good. Also, DEC was sued from Intel which supported that it invented that one first, in the i786. - Sir Sinclair got the "Spectrum" rights back from Sugar and released the Spectrum ZX 2.0 GTi, with PowerPC 1799ie at 8GHz with integrated microwave oven. Unfortunately, it still needed interrupts to produce sound, but even so, it sold well. - Jay Miner, replaced Saint Peter in Heaven. Sniff! - AmigaTech became the No2 fetish in the known universe, after IBM. - AT&T released a special DSP chip for deaf people. Same luck as Intel. - Aha! The Tramiel brothers! Atari went (as always), down the drain. In the end, after Falcon came Tomcan and Stealth, with result some importand profits. - Commodore64 kept being produced up until 2019. - In 2032 a Spectrum16 cost $10,000! - Hewlett-Packard is bought from the storyteller. New superscalar chips are on their way, while the new president fires the fuck*eads of the local representatives, to whom he "ows" a lot, as a user of a HP540. As for LogoData, they're happy he didn't kill 'em all. (He only killed half of them). - Zilog relives (yeah), by copying AMD who is copying Cyrix who is copying Intel who is copying Motorola who is copying AT&T who is copying DEC, who is copying Hewlett-Packard, who is copying Sun, who is copying Phase5 (whow).. For 20 years, the Caipirinha chip-set becomes state-of-the-art! - Linux gets a stable kernel in 2009. - IBM releases OS*2 and OS*2 NT. Great hit, 18 weeks at No1, and 2 years at TOP10. ...You think so?